

UF健康街. 约翰基金会管理着各种指定基金. 捐助者 can choose the fund they wish to benefit with their gift, or they can designate their gift to be used where it is most needed via our General 无限制的基金.


This fund is not restricted to one designation and is used to improve the 最需要的领域在UF健康St. 约翰. 无限制基金提供 critical support to 程序s, staffing, and equipment that help to improve 每年在冰球突破平台提供病人护理.


This fund assists Bariatric patients without insurance or with limited 支付医疗费用的财政资源.


This fund provides support for the 资源 available at the Cancer Education and Support Center (CESC) including the Breast Cancer 病人 Navigator 程序. Families can visit the CESC for cancer support groups, educational 有关癌症诊断的材料和其他信息. 病人 navigation 程序 helps guide patients through and around barriers in the complex cancer care system to help ensure timely diagnosis, 治疗 和支持.


This fund assists cancer patients undergoing 治疗 at UF健康街. 约翰 who are facing financial hardships due to the costs of their medical 需要. 礼物 to the 癌症病人紧急基金 provide patient assistance for medications, appointment transportation and childcare along with other services that the patient cannot afford while undergoing costly cancer 治疗.


The Flagler Heart and Rhythm Center at 佛罗里达大学健康冰球突破平台 provides 一项对圣. 约翰县和周边地区 areas, with more than 275 open heart surgeries performed annually. 礼物 to the 心血管护理基金 help to provide critical funding for the 资源 and equipment that help to maintain the 高est standard of 为我们的心脏病患者提供优质护理.


佛罗里达大学卫生保健连接是由佛罗里达大学卫生St. 支持约翰 它的愿景是基于社区的护理. 目标是改善健康 and well-being of our overall community by addressing social and environmental 这些因素会阻碍你的发展. 社区里有很多项目 to keep you and your family safe and healthy, it's just a matter of connecting UF医疗保健连接开始. 对佛罗里达大学健康的捐款 保健连接 Fund support the many services and 程序 offerings that 保健连接为我们的社区提供服务. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.careconnectplus.com.

克拉克 & 爱丽丝·阿尔杰宁静花园基金

Thanks to a generous gift made by 克拉克 and Alice Alger, the Tranquility 花园在UF健康冰球突破平台开业于2009年1月. 花园 provides a peaceful place for patients, families, visitors and employees 一整年都在反思、冥想和放松. 向本基金捐款 support the 宁静的花园’s ongoing maintenance to sustain 增强它的美感.

Daniel Maj奖学基金

Established in memory of a former 佛罗里达大学健康冰球突破平台 Radiology Technician, Daniel Maj, this fund assists Radiology students and graduate 学生和他们的教育培训项目的费用.

Dr. 沃伦·克鲁格纪念图书馆基金

为纪念已故的博士而命名. 沃伦·克鲁格,这个基金支持这些资源 available in the medical library at 佛罗里达大学健康冰球突破平台 which provides physicians and their colleagues with access to the most up-to-date medical 期刊和信息.


The 48-bed Emergency Care Center at 佛罗里达大学健康冰球突破平台 is committed to providing patients with compassionate, quality care, 24 hours a day, 一周7天. 捐赠予紧急护理服务基金,有助提供 essential 资源 and equipment to maintain the 高est standard of 为急诊病人提供高质量的护理.


该基金协助. 约翰县没有保险的居民 financial limitations to pay for essential skin cancer 治疗s and 程序.


Inspired by Florence Nightingale’s commitment to patient care, this 基金为佛罗里达大学健康圣分校提供奖学金和助学金. 约翰护士培训 以及教育项目.

Joanne Arnett Tutschek基金

Established in memory of breast cancer survivor, Joanne Arnett Tutschek, 她爱她的家人和朋友. 这个基金为重要的 佛罗里达大学健康街的乳腺癌诊断项目. 病人的年龄 50-65岁,没有保险或经济能力支付.

约瑟夫年代. 戈迪员工应急基金

Established by 佛罗里达大学健康冰球突破平台’s third president/CEO Joseph S. Gordy and his wife Maggie, this fund provides immediate financial assistance 到佛罗里达大学健康街. 约翰的员工经历了紧急情况和/或 意想不到的经济困难.


Dr. Sherman and Kendra Turnage established the 约书亚的前 Critical 关爱教育基金来纪念他们的儿子,艺术家约书亚·特纳奇. 他们走近 UF健康街. 约翰 with their interest in helping to support the continuing education of our Critical Care Nursing and Education Department teams. Grants from the fund will be used to make it possible for individuals to attend conferences such as the National Teaching Institute (NTI). 夫人. Kendra Turnage will work closely with senior leadership from Critical Care Nursing and the Education Department to establish grant guidelines 并审查申请人的程序. 在参与这些活动之后 educational opportunities, grant recipients will be expected to share their knowledge and learnings through a presentation to their peers, 夫人. 肯德拉·特纳奇和奥巴马先生. 约书亚的前.


This fund provides 资源 for Grand Rounds presentations and other educational 向佛罗里达大学健康街提供的服务. 约翰的医务人员.


This fund provides grants for medical services and/or supplies for current 或以前在佛罗里达健康街的病人. 嫖客没有保险或有 有限的财政资源.

帕特里克年代. 纳尔逊基金

为纪念派屈克. 尼尔森,这笔资金支持精神治疗 Health Services Department at 佛罗里达大学健康冰球突破平台 and provides mental health outpatient 治疗 for patients with depression, psychosis and other serious mental disorders without insurance or with limited financial 资源.


This fund assists families without insurance or with limited financial 资源 when their children require essential orthopaedic care.


The Plus Bus Mobile Clinic offers a tailored, 高-impact and affordable health care solution, capable of responding dynamically to the community's 发展的需求. 我们的目标是改善健康结果和生活质量 for people in vulnerable populations by providing clinical care and connections to 资源 including primary care, women's health services, chronic disease management and education, diagnostic testing, wound care and cancer 筛选. 捐赠给Plus巴士基金支持这些服务 让我们的病人负担得起.


This fund assists Renal patients without insurance or with limited financial 支付他们的医疗费用.


This fund supports the Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatric, and Neonatal UF健康St的重症监护病房. 约翰. 给妇女和儿童的礼物 Services Fund help to maintain the 高est standard of quality care for 我们的病人.


在圣. 约翰 County, the teen suicide rate has sadly reached a 20-year 高. This fund was established to support youth behavioral health 程序s 提供更多的心理健康资源. 约翰斯县学校.